As we push through another Seattle winter, we want to make sure all children, elders, families, and members of our community stay comfortable inside their homes this season. Through our energy assistance program, we have funding to help pay for utility bills.
Byrd Barr Place is here to help the community secure federal funds through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Puget Sound Energy’s Home Energy Lifeline Program (PSE HELP) to cover electric, gas, wood, propane, and oil costs. Each program has its own eligibility requirements, with funding now available to more people than in previous years! Those who have applied for energy assistance in past years can apply again for funding this year. Learn more about eligibility. We are here to help you apply for energy assistance. Please reach out to us by phone at 206-812-4940, by email at [email protected], or in person at the Byrd Barr Place temporary food bank with any questions you have about the application process. The Kent Home Repair program provides FREE Home Repairs for low or moderate income homeowners.
They make small repairs including:
If you are an existing Kent Home Repair client and are in need of repairs, please call 253-856-5065 to verify eligibility. Please be advised: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, response times have been greatly affected. Before work can begin, all occupants of the home are required to complete a COVID-19 Waiver Form; waivers are included in application packet. Sunday, January 30, 2022, 1 – 3pm: Sign Up
Join us at our virtual Seattle Home Fair to learn learn about about landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. This helpful session will open with a presentation discussing these topics. We will spend the rest of this session answering questions related to your specific situation. Join meeting: Webex Meeting number (access code): 2490 126 8685 Meeting password: XpNk8ngCG54 Join by phone +1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle) +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-206-207-1700,,24901268685## United States Toll (Seattle) +1-408-418-9388,,24901268685## United States Toll You will be able to join the meeting 5 minutes before the start time. Event Contact: Moon Callison [email protected] The Stable Home program is intended for Eastside King County families with dependent children who are facing eviction or need assistance with first month move-in costs. The purpose of this program is both to ensure families have the necessary funds to move into permanent housing, and to provide those facing possible eviction with the opportunity to remain in their home and avoid having an eviction judgment on their record.
*If you are eligible you will be placed on a lottery and will be contacted if selected.* Call us: 425.576.9531 Visit us: 125 State Street South Kirkland, WA 98033 Apply now for financial assistance! The City of Kirkland is partnering with Indian American Community Services (formerly India Association of Western Washington) and 4 Tomorrow to provide immediate financial assistance to Kirkland residents struggling to pay for their rent, mortgage, and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please review the following information to determine if you qualify and learn how to apply for assistance.
Language and cultural navigators are available to help access the City’s relief programs. These programs are made possible with funds through the American Rescue Plan Act.
Hopelink’s eviction prevention program: When a family is in danger of losing its home in a crisis, Hopelink offers a program that can help to provide a portion of the funds needed to prevent eviction. Preventing homelessness costs at least five times less than helping a family regain stable housing after it is lost. Please contact the closest Hopelink emergency service center to find out more about this service and how Hopelink may be able to assist. Contact your nearest Hopelink emergency service center.
Seattle –Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced that he will issue an Executive Order to extend Seattle’s residential eviction moratorium and small business and non-profit commercial tenant eviction moratorium for an additional 30 days until February 14. Read the article here.
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